Yiyar Rodian Clan

The Yiyar rodian clan was a family of outcast salvagers and smugglers, whose code of ethics was too loosely-defined for even rodian society. They commanded one massive salvage ship and a small fleet, but lacked a true base of operation or home world. What they could not take by force, the Yiyar clan could not seem to have, though they operated several impromptu auction houses when they managed a particularly large haul. Despite their moral failings and lack of stable income, they are gifted in the art of the ambush, and their complete disregard for others often puts them ahead, if only temporarily (one spacer recounts a tale in which the Yiyar ship, devoid of tractor beams, simply rammed into another ship and trapped it within its docking bay).

After the destruction of their salvage ship at the hands of the Empire and the subsequent incarceration of their ranking patriarch Yav Yiyar, the Yiyar clan scattered and was forced to take on mercenary and bounty hunter jobs. They still hold a grudge against the Empire, the IsoTech corporation, and particularly the crew of the Hutt Dog.

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